Ringrazio Sandra la " Queen dei lievitati " per questa ricetta !
del blog: Le padelle fan fracasso
Ciambelle al mosto
150g. di acqua a temperatura ambiente
18g. di lievito di birra fresco
150g. di farina O
1050 g. di farina O ( se l'impasto sarà ancora appiccicoso aggiungetene un po' di più )
500 ml di mosto crudo tiepido
180g-230g.. di zucchero
3-4 cucchiai di semi di anice
160g. di olio extravergine di oliva
PER IL PROCEDIMENTO ANDATE QUI DA : Le padelle fan fracasso
Bread rings, with fresh grape must
150g. water at room temperature
18g. fresh yeast
150g. Bread flour
Final dough:
105 0g. Bread flour OR Type 0 flour
(if the dough is still sticky ,add a bit more flour )
500 ml of lukewarm raw must
All sponge
180g-230g .. sugar
3-4 tablespoons anise seeds
160g. of extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt
Mix the ingredients for the sponge .Put to rise dough in the oven an hour and a half , just
with the light on.
In a bowl put the fresh must , melt the
spoge and add all other ingredients, mixing until the mixture is
smooth and compact, then let rise until doubled.
Take back the dough and divide it into
2 or 4 parts, formed loaves with which will form the rings . Let rise
again until doubled and until the hole is small, always in the oven.
Bake at 180 degrees until they become
golden brown .
Submitting to YeastSpotting
Con questa ricetta partecipo alla raccolta "Na zakwasie i na drożdżach"